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Gianfranco first started studying piano at age 8 in his home country of Italy, and continued to have a strong passion for music throughout his life. He studied Piano, Composition, and Music and New Technologies at the “Conservatorio di Musica di Sassari” (Conservatory of Music of Sassari), graduating in 2008. During that time, Gianfranco also developed a strong passion for playing guitar and later became interested in rock music, funk and soul, electronic, and European folk music. 


As a professional musician in Italy, Gianfranco worked as a multi-instrument live performer, producer, audio engineer, and music teacher. He moved to Seattle in November of 2017, where he has continued to develop his professional music career.


Currently, Gianfranco is the Music Director of Our Redeemer's Lutheran church in Seattle. He also teaches for Fingerprint School of Music, and keeps playing live shows in the Seattle area.

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